Thursday, December 17, 2009


--The Renaissance--

During the Renaissance, fashion came from both Italian and Germanic designers had their influence over the Eupropean clothing. Each brought something new from each side of there exciting worlds, creating the Renaissance fashion. The Renaissance popular fashion styles ranged from wide, to barrel -shaped and ssquare fashions. The Clothing now was a status symbol, just like now. Fashion for the weathly often meant spending a majority of their money on clothing and it was not uncommon for them to literally be 'wearing their wealth'.

The last changes in the Renaissance fashion were done towards the beginning of the 17th Century. The high hose worn by the northern nations, profusely trimmed, was transformed into the culotte, which was full and open at the knees. A division was thus suddenly made between the lower and the upper part of the hose, as if the garment which covered the lower limbs had been cut in two, and garters were then necessarily invented. The felt hat became over almost the whole of Europe a cap, taking the exact form of the head, and having a wide, flat brim turned up on one side. High heels were added to boots and shoes, which up to that time had been flat and with single soles.

Zapotec Fashion


-The Zapotec men wear white clothing to keep cool working in their corn fields. The women wear colorful blouses and long skirts.Children wear smaller clothes of the same kind as their parents.When the weather turns cold, the men wear a brightly colored poncho or blanket over their shoulders. Some of the Zapotecs are famous for the things they made, Some make beautiful rugs and other wool weavings. Others make lovely baskets, gold jewelry and colorful embroidery.

[This is an example of a fiesta huipil from Juchitan in the Istmo of Tehuantepec of Oaxaca Mexico. The embroidery is a combination of hand work - the flowers - and machine embroidery - the red and yellow designs.]

Friday, December 11, 2009


--Aztec Fashion--
-Women wore their hair long, but on important occasions they braided it with colorful ribbons and wound it around their heads.Pictures of women in Aztec books show the endsnof their braids sticking up like little horns on the tops of their heads..

--Inca Clothing--
-The Clothing in the Inca society was very important,Just by looking at the clothing shows the status of that person in the society can be readily perceived.The general trends were naturally more and warmer clothing was worn in the highlands than on the coast.

-The traditional garments were woven;maya clothing is different in every region, and even varies from village to village.The had there own way of doing things.The designs and colors told a story about there native village.The Huipil is a garment worn as a blouse by Mayan women since the anicent times.


Through the Mayans,Aztecs, and Incas were separated in time and in geograpghy, their clothing closely resembled each other.The fabric used for clothing held great importance among the Mayans,Aztecs,and Incas. In each culture the cloth were alittle different, but in a way all three cultures come together in one way.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Arabian Fashion

-A Arabian Fashion Shop

The Story Of Arabian Costume..
-throughout the most part it have been undocumented,that i've researched so far;however the earliest times,cloth & beautiful clothes have been woven into the fabric of the Arabian tradition.Nearly 3,000 years ago,through the golden ages of the Umayyad and Abbasid empires,the Arabian Peninsula was near the center of the old World's stage.
-But influences other than history and fashion affected the development of traditional Arabian clothing. First there was the harsh reality of the desert climate, hot and – except in the humid coastal regions – extremely dry. Clothing had to protect its wearer from the sun and wind, and had to catch cool breezes while yet conserving body moisture essential for life itself. On a different plane, there was the cultural and religious injunction to modesty in behavior and dress. Over the past 50 years alone, for example the introduction of synthetic fibers- and air conditioning have led to slimmer cuts in both men & women attire, especially in the fitted sleeves..These includes the basic similarity of men's and womens garments,regional variations due to climate and altitude,tribes distinctions in stylistic or
ecorative details, and speculations on certain subtle influences which may have found their way aboard.
--a youtube video about the different styles in Arabia..

Monday, October 19, 2009

--Byzantine Fashion

--The Byzantine costume tradition took its form from the Roman Empire (27 b.c.e -476 c.e) and its color and decorative tradition from the Middle East.After all, the Byzantine Empire began in the fourth century C.E. as the Eastern Roman Empire its capital, Constantinople, it was a short time as the capital of the Roman Empire.Byzantines inherited their basic clothing forms, the tunic and toga for men, and the stola, a type of long dress, for women , as well as their shoes and their shoes and their hairstyles.These basic garments had become more ornate and luxurious late in the Roman Empire.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Fashion has been known to make a statement in every culture and civilization throughout the centuries. From the Hellenistic Era to present day, fashion fads and statements evolved from similar backgrounds to make styles that seem new, but are really just "doctored-up" versions that can be traced back to the times of ancient Rome.

According to Friedlander, the women of ancient Rome wore a long tunic called a "stola." The stola, which went down to the feet of the wearer, often had a woolen mantle over it called a "palla"(47). The positioning of the tunic was complicated due to the many layers of the cloth used for the different styles of the garment. In most cases, the stola was worn as described: first, a long-sleeved tunic was put on, and over it, a shorter tunic with short sleeves.
Showerman and the "Women's clothing and Hairstyles" websites compare hairstyles of today with those of Roman times.(95) For example, Roman women often dyed their hair, usually golden-red. Like modern women, they used false hairpieces to make their hair thicker or longer. Sometimes, Roman women wore their hair up, in carefully arranged styles held with jeweled hairpins. Sometimes they wore it down, curled in ringlets and spirals. Actually, until the middle of the first century, styles remained fairly simple.

--The ancient Roman woman wore varieties of accessories such as:
ornate necklaces
breast chains
and jeweled buttons